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10 Benefits of a Low-Sugar Diet: How Many Grams a Day Is Okay?

Head and shoulders photograph of Anju Mobin
A healthy woman eating a tomato and preparing a low-sugar meal in her kitchen.
Does switching to a low-sugar diet really make that much of a difference in your daily life? As it turns out, yes.

In a world of sugary treats, sodas, and processed foods, children and adults alike—whether relying on meal delivery services or not—are grappling with the unhealthy effects of excessive sugar consumption.

According to the American Heart Association, the average American consumes over 17 teaspoons of sugar daily, potentially contributing to health issues like obesity, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease. This is why reducing your sugar intake is essential for benefits such as weight loss and better dental health.

» See our top 10 sugar-free snacks for diabetics.

What Is a Low-Sugar Diet?

A low-sugar diet is all about eating less sugar to enhance your overall health. It goes beyond simply avoiding sugary drinks and desserts. To effectively put this dietary approach into action, you need to understand the nuances.

One crucial aspect is identifying hidden sugars. Sugar often lurks in processed foods under misleading aliases. Keep an eye out for the following keywords on food labels:

  • High fructose corn syrup
  • Maltose
  • Dextrose
  • Cane sugar
  • Crystalline fructose

Another key component of a low-sugar diet is prioritizing nutrient-rich whole foods. This dietary approach encourages you to incorporate more natural, unprocessed options, such as fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains.

1. Improved Blood Sugar Control and Diabetes Management

High-sugar foods can lead to rapid spikes and crashes in blood sugar, making it difficult to maintain stability throughout the day. Reducing sugar can minimize these fluctuations and keep your blood glucose levels on a more even keel. This promotes better glycemic control and lowers your risk of developing insulin resistance and diabetes.

If you already have diabetes, reducing your sugar intake is vital for managing your condition. Maintaining stable blood sugar levels can even help reduce the need for frequent insulin or medication adjustments.

2. Weight Management and Obesity Prevention

One of the advantages of a low-sugar diet is its ability to help with weight management. Sugar is high in calories (around 4 per gram, roughly 50% more than lean beef) and lacks essential nutrients. Once I cut back on sugary foods and drinks, I noticed a massive reduction in my calorie intake, which helped me attain a healthier body weight.

Whole, unprocessed foods are typically lower in sugar, more filling, and highly nutritious. So make sure to replace sugary snacks with healthier options such as whole grains, eggs, fish, nuts, seeds, yogurt, etc.

» Get your weight under control with our top meal plans for weight loss.

3. Cardiovascular Health

Excessive sugar intake is linked to elevated triglyceride levels, high blood pressure, chronic inflammation, and ultimately heart disease. Consuming too much sugar can also lead to weight gain and disrupt the balance of good and bad cholesterol in the blood, making arteries more prone to blockages.

Hence, eating less sugar can support your cardiovascular health and reduce the risk of various associated health complications.

4. Better Dental Health

Remember when our parents used to warn us about candy and cavities? Turns out, they were right. When the bacteria naturally hanging out in your mouth chow down on sugar, they whip up acid that chips away at your tooth enamel, setting you up for some pesky cavities.

Considering that sugar is one of the primary causes of tooth decay, it's no surprise that a low-sugar diet can reduce the risk of dental cavities and improve your overall dental health. I keep my teeth healthy by avoiding certain foods and using sugar substitutes like stevia or xylitol to satisfy my sweet cravings.

5. Enhanced Digestive Health

High sugar intake promotes the growth of unhealthy gut bacteria and can disrupt the balance of gut microflora, leading to digestive issues such as bloating, constipation, and gas.

Reducing your sugar intake, on the other hand, helps promote a healthier gut microbiome. You can further boost your digestive health by adding more fermented foods to your diet, such as yogurt, kefir, and sauerkraut.

» Get more whole foods into your diet with a Home Chef meal plan.

6. Increased Energy Levels

One of the things I noticed before adopting a low-sugar diet was that my energy levels would spike and crash, leaving me feeling tired for most of the day. But, after going on a low-sugar diet with an adequate intake of healthy fats, protein, and fiber, I now enjoy more sustained energy throughout the day.

7. Improved Mental Clarity

Too much sugar in your system can hurt your cognitive function. You may experience brain fog and find it difficult to concentrate. Following a low-sugar diet can help improve your mental clarity, focus, and memory, allowing you to lift the brain fog.

8. Balanced Mood

Fluctuating sugar levels can be a major mood-swing trigger, sending you on a high-energy binge of desserts, sugary drinks, and candy, only to nosedive into irritability and anxiety shortly after. You may even crave more sugar to fix the situation.

Staying on a low-sugar diet helps stabilize your blood sugar levels and your mood, thus reducing the risk of mental health issues.

9. Clearer Skin

High sugar intake has been linked to skin problems such as acne and premature aging, as excess sugar can lead to weight gain, PCOS, and hormonal imbalances, all of which can impact your skin negatively.

Adopting a low-sugar diet can significantly improve your skin health and help you get clearer skin, thus giving you a more youthful appearance. I've gotten clearer skin after reducing my sugar intake, and I know it's due to my lifestyle choices.

10. Reduced Risk of Chronic Diseases

High sugar intake is linked to various chronic conditions such as obesity, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), heart disease, and even pancreatic cancers. Healthy lifestyle changes that include a low-sugar diet, more activity, and less stress can considerably reduce your risk of such ailments and improve your overall health.

Recommended Daily Sugar Intake

The recommended daily sugar intake per person varies depending on numerous factors such as age, sex, medical conditions, and activity levels. The American Heart Association (AHA) suggests that added sugar intake should be limited to:

  • Six tsp/day or 25 grams (100 calories) for women
  • Nine tsp/day or 37.5 grams (150 calories) for men

This suggestion only applies to added sugars and not the naturally occurring sugars found in whole foods accompanied by fiber and/or essential nutrients, such as fruits and dairy products.

Keep It Low, Sugar

Reducing your sugar intake and introducing wholesome natural foods into your diet offers numerous health benefits, from weight management to improved heart health, better dental hygiene, and enhanced energy levels.

To turn your low-sugar diet into a healthy and sustainable lifestyle, start with minor changes like reading food labels and using sugar substitutes. These small shifts in your diet today can lead to significant improvements in your health tomorrow.

» Boost your overall well-being with HelloFresh.

Head and shoulders photograph of Anju Mobin
Anju Mobin is a certified nutritionist, Diet and Fitness Consultant at numerous medical clinics, founder and editor of fitnesshacks.org, and a writer for Top10.com. Anju strives to simplify complex information about nutrition, health, and fitness for the general public.

*The information on this site is based on research, but should not be treated as medical advice. Before beginning any new diet plan, we recommend consulting with a physician or other professional healthcare provider. Results may vary based on various health factors, individual weight loss plans and adherence to the meal plan.