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10 Strong Psychic Predictions for Celebs in 2022

Head and shoulders photograph of Rozalia Kieliszkiewicz
Female hands decorated with rings holding a crystal ball above deck of Tarot cards
On March 27th, 2022, the world was shocked when Will Smith slapped Chris Rock on stage during the Oscars. As Will Smith's sudden action took over the media. Memes, posts, and stories were created to understand the truth of such events. Could it have been staged, or was the devil really in Will Smith’s ear taunting his ego as Denzel Washington suggested?

As Will Smith apologized on stage during which he received his award, his tears and heartfelt speech could have been avoided if he had confided in a psychic reader specializing in astrology, tarot reading, or fortune telling. Perhaps a solid celebrity psychic reading for this celebrity could have prepared him and the world for this unexpected event.

On that note, here are ten strong psychic predictions for celebs in 2022.

1. Jennifer Aniston

Taking Control of Her Legacy

This could be the start of a new era for Jennifer. As Saturn enters Aquarius in Jennifer’s 1st house of self, she will feel empowered to take charge of her legacy and what is owed to her. She will manifest a new beginning in her life, releasing the past and delving deeper into what brings her joy.

2. Dwayne Johnson

Restoring Magic in His Life

Full of fairytale wonder, Dwayne will have an emotional year, as his focus will be on restoring magic in his home and relationships. He could deal with apathy and discontentment within his fortunate foundations and may have to fight his way out of negative thoughts, beliefs, and temptations.

As Mars enters Gemini on August 20th, the second half of the year will benefit Dwayne if he uses his accomplishments, talents, and imagination to express love in his relationships.

3. Jennifer Lopez

Taking a Stand for Love

A nurturer of beauty, Jennifer's responsibilities to her family may become overbearing as Saturn enters Aquarius, transiting her house of partnerships and marriage.

In 2022, she may have to face a lack of harmony and balance in her relationships and search within herself to find truth in what is fair in her home life. She will be encouraged to find emotional fulfillment by speaking up and standing up for herself.

4. Mark Wahlberg

With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility

A self-undoing sage, Mark will have a powerful year as he spontaneously steps into the role of a teacher, mentor, and guide. As he delves deeper into his spiritual beliefs, he will have to face shadows within himself in order to lead with integrity and truth.

As Saturn enters Aquarius on April 29th, his traditions and faith may be shaken as he is forced to undo the rules and regulations placed on his foundations. As he unleashes the secrets he holds within himself, he can manifest a new beginning and dynamic environment in his life with greater freedom.

5. Keanu Reeves

Feeling the Pain of the World

A humbled source, Keanu may be inspired to delve deeper into his spiritual self and expand his knowledge of occult sciences and the metaphysical as Jupiter enters Aries on May 10th, 2022, in Keanu's 8th house of sex, death, and transformation.

As he takes the lead in the magical phenomena, he could find himself experiencing a collective symbolic death, feeling the pain of the world for the rest of the year.

6. Ariana Grande

Face My Pain, and I Will Rise

She is all around the world. In 2022, Ariana will be focused on overcoming her pain. Her difficulties in past relationships will display as Chiron transits Aries for the next four years.

However, as Venus transits Cancer in her 1st house of self on July 17th, 2022, a deep sense of value and moral integrity will empower her career in unexpected ways. This could come as a surprise and a new work endeavor.

7. Will Smith

Being a Supportive Father

A master of child’s play, Will will learn to take the lead in his relationships to expand his legacy and heal what has been lost as Jupiter enters Aries in Will's 7th house of marriage and partnerships on May 10th, 2022. This transit will be aspecting his 5th house of fun and creativity. He will dive deep into himself, seeking enlightenment and wisdom in a place that feels home to him.

Focusing on beauty, health, and stability, Will's art and passion may be inspired by his children. A new idea, daily routine, or endeavor may come into the spotlight during the second half of 2022 until May 16th, 2023.

8. Kendall Jenner

Claiming Independence in Relationships

Kendall may feel rebellious and waver emotionally in her relationships as Venus transits Cancer from July 17th until August 20th, 2022. Influencing her house of travel and higher learning, home is where her heart is. Therefore, she may want to recreate the perfect love that suits her family's ideals but later find herself shrinking and possessed by it.

Her need for freedom may create a contradiction between her feelings and desires. This can manifest as either spontaneous trips around the world with her lover or complete isolation, finding that journey to home within.

9. J. Cole

Grounding His Dreams and Committing to Them

As Mars transits Taurus, it will influence Cole's moon in Taurus placement. This transit from July 6th to August 20th will start a new personal era in his life and change how he takes action to ground his dreams and make them a reality.

His North node in Taurus placement will have him focused on establishing his future and how he sees himself. In 2022, he is learning to commit to what brings him emotional fulfillment while aligning his ideals with his heart in a practical way.

10. Matthew McConaughey

At the World's Center Stage

A scriptwriter, Matthew will focus on creating and dreaming of a better future for his children this year. We have already watched Matthew's speech on the shooting in his home state. His focus will be to lead the world away from old constructs and limitations that restrict future generations.

As Mars enters Gemini on August 20th and begins its retrograde on September 3rd in Matthew's 8th house of sex, death, and transformation, he may have to face distorted lies to find the truth. Meditation will be vital to tempering anxious thoughts.

Do You Know Your Celebrities?

We often forget that celebrities are people with personal lives, emotions, and obstacles like the rest of us. What we see on the outside in the media shines a light on their public persona but disregards the other influences in their life that helped them get there.

These strong psychic predictions should indicate the influences of these celebs' future actions and prepare them and their fans for future storms. If you wish to delve deeper, an online fortune teller on Psychic Source can determine a celebrity's numerology for better accuracy.

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Head and shoulders photograph of Rozalia Kieliszkiewicz
Rozalia is a Holistic Health and Spiritual Writer who writes for Top10.com. In addition, she is a professional Spiritual advisor trained in Tarot Divination, Astrology, Reiki Healing, and Dream Analysis. Her background as a Nutritionist and Fitness Trainer allows her to look at the whole Body, Mind and Spiritual Connection.