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Top 10 Questions to Ask Your Psychic for the New Year

Alanna Kali
Top 10 Questions to Ask Your Psychic for the New Year
The start of the year always brings anticipation and curiosity about what’s to come. Many people set goals and resolutions to ease the uncertainty, but more often than not, these fizzle within the first few weeks because the year has other plans in store. To reveal upcoming new beginnings, a more promising course of action is to consult a psychic reader.

Psychic readers can use their gift of foreseeing the future to offer intuitive insight about the upcoming year, but the key to this process is asking them the right questions. Once you make a selection from this list of best online psychics, ask these top 10 questions for a successful new year reading. 

1. What is in store for my love life?

This is by far the most popular question to ask in a new year reading, which is why it’s first on the list. It’s important to know whether this is a year your commitment strengthens or you split with a partner, or if you should focus on time alone or invest in a relationship. Leading with questions about love helps to get the topic out of the way and creates space for the rest of the reading to unfold.

To get the most out of your session, tailor this question for your personal situation. For example, if you’re newly dating, ask specifically about that person. If you’re single, ask when you can expect to find love this year. There’s a common misconception that you should withhold information in a reading, but psychics can provide more relevant information when you are very specific. You will get the best results by clearly communicating the circumstance in question.

2. What can I do to attract more money?

Money can be equated with freedom, and therefore this question is a great one to ask when mapping out your year. Phrasing money questions without directly inquiring about a career or job keeps possibilities open and liberates you to find prosperity in new ways. Making money is surprisingly easy when you’re in the flow of abundance.

This is the time for a financial fresh start. Beginning the year with psychic guidance to overcome money blocks, hone in on your path to wealth, and cultivate new income streams will ensure your success. If you are looking to create a richer wealth mindset, Keen can connect you with trusted psychic advisors who specialize in intuitive finances.

3. What does the future with my family look like?

For better or worse, family always has an impact on how the year unfolds. Very few can claim they live solely for themselves; even if estranged, one’s family presence is always felt. The lives of partners, children, parents, and siblings greatly shape your own life, making this a must-ask question.

It’s very beneficial to learn more about those you are deeply tied to because your emotions are wrapped up with theirs. Their losses and successes are yours as well, especially if you are sharing financial resources too. Your psychic will share how your family will impact your new year. This ensures a more accurate reading because you get a better view of the bigger picture.

4. What changes do I need to make to stay healthy?

It’s a great idea to ask about your well-being in the upcoming year and how to ensure you’re staying healthy. Your health determines the quality of your life because you can’t pursue other goals if you aren’t in a good physical state, but often this question goes overlooked.

Your psychic will be able to provide you with specific suggestions for being in physical shape this year. You might be surprised by the intuitive insight your psychic reveals too. Mind, body, and spirit are intertwined. So your psychic will be able to sense emotional blockages and mental beliefs that can be changed to improve your health, going beyond the traditional advice to eat healthily and exercise.

5. What personal obstacles will I need to overcome?

This question provides insight about the internal blocks you need to overcome this year. From self-doubt to lack of self-discipline, this knowledge will help you to home in on what challenges you’ll be facing that only you can control. Resolutions that address your main obstacles are much more powerful than general ones.

Your psychic will be able to tap into your energy field to sense where you unintentionally self-sabotage. Once you realize these blind-spots in yourself, you will be more aware of when you start doing them this year, opening up opportunities to change. This isn’t the most exciting question, but it’s an essential one for people truly determined to stick to resolutions and personally grow this year.

6. Is there anything I should be cautious about?

Who wouldn’t want to avoid trouble if possible? This question will prepare you for times when caution or discretion is advised and help to avert problems before they arise. Asking this can go a long way in fending off unnecessary stress, strife, and unhappiness before it manifests. With the intuitive insight of your psychic, you’ll be able to exercise extra caution to side-step potential pitfalls before they occur.

There’s no need to have any fear when asking this question. The information your psychic shares is intended to protect you, not make you afraid of the future. From a person who doesn’t have the best intentions to a vacation that turns into a chaotic mess, you will be able to avoid the unpleasant and choose to focus your energy elsewhere.

7. Is there anything in my life that needs to be released

From unfulfilling friendships to dead-end careers, this question is essential for figuring out what you can eliminate this upcoming year. Just like a rose needs to be pruned in order to grow, you too will need to cut out certain toxic energies in your life to flourish.

Your psychic will be able to pinpoint circumstances, people, and places that are not resonant with your highest good. With this intuitive insight, you can overcome doubt and surrender what’s no longer in line with your next phase of life this year. The sooner you release what’s not a good fit, the quicker you can replace it.

8. What spiritual lessons am I learning?

Many times the challenges in life you experience, from disappointment to frustration, happen to cultivate spiritual growth. Lessons about patience, forgiveness, and resilience develop through tough times. It’d be naive to think your year will be perfect, as you are always learning new things and overcoming obstacles.

Asking your psychic this question can reveal a deeper meaning in life. This knowledge can be very beneficial when facing challenges. If you are aware of the spiritual lessons you’re working through, you can seek resources and support to assist you in the process. Kasamba is especially well-known for top spiritual psychic advisors, many of whom offer daily spiritual guidance to their audience.

9. What area of life will bring me the most joy?

This question helps you to home in what truly matters this year. Sometimes what you think will make you happy is actually not at all what ultimately brings satisfaction. There’s a good chance you will be surprised by your psychic’s answer.

When you find yourself feeling low this year or unclear about the path forward, recalling which aspect of life brings you the most joy, whether it be career, family, or friends, will bring you back into center. Think of this question as a form of self-care, reflecting your desire to fulfill your own happiness. Your psychic can guide you towards the things that truly bring you joy and fulfillment.

10. What does the universe want me to know?

As your reading concludes, ask your psychic this final question to get heartfelt advice directly from the Universe. As a conduit between you and the unseen energies that guide our lives, your psychic will reveal what the Universe wants to convey directly. This will provide you with a personalized message, meant for you alone for this upcoming year.

This question demonstrates that you’re receptive to being guided by a higher power. Your openness will bring you good fortune, prosperity, and happiness — what everyone ultimately wishes for in life. This culminating advice will bring you faith to carry forth this new year.

Navigating the New Year

The start of the year is filled with potential. Consulting a trusted psychic advisor is beneficial for preparing for what’s to come. From family life to personal fulfillment, there is so much to be revealed that can assist you in navigating the new year. If you are seeking intuitive insight to enrich your experience of this year, remember these fortune-telling websites are great resources.

Alanna Kali
Other than contributing to Top10.com, Alanna Kali is an astrologer, numerologist, and tarot reader. She currently is editor-in-chief of a psychic book review website called Musing Mystical. Alanna loves reading, spending time in nature, and traveling.