Don’t worry if you’re not where you hoped to be; there’s no pressure to pick up the pace just yet. The best course of action this month is to move slow and steady, attuned to your natural rhythm, so that the actions you take are aligned with the flow of energy in your life. If something feels blocked, it’s most likely a sign it’s not the right time.
It’s better to turn your attention towards where there’s momentum and focus on what is ready to emerge. If you’re struggling with the ebb and flow between waiting and taking action, speaking with a top-rated online psychic advisor can give you insight about the best way to proceed.
It’s time to slow down, Aries. The start of July marks the end of the extra oomph of motivation from your ruling planet Mars that’s been driving you recently. Come July 5th, your focus will shift toward more practical concerns, especially taking charge of your finances, as you ground yourself in a more settled routine.
Your confidence has grown immensely over the past few months, which in turn has heightened your sense of self-worth. After confronting the ways you’ve been playing small, you’re ready to ensure you’re fully compensated for all that you do.
The Capricorn Full Moon on July 13th puts your career life in the spotlight, shining a light on your notable achievements. This is the perfect time for you to pursue higher pay by asking for a raise, raising your rates, or seeking out a better job. Keep in mind that it’s not just about the money—you’re safeguarding your well-being.
Being undercompensated only leads to burnout, and this month you’ll be keenly aware of how in need of inner restoration you are after a period of busyness. Take some downtime to reconnect with your inner world and give your soul what it needs to feel nourished.

Expect an upswing of energy this month, Taurus. Mars, the planet of action and drive, will be in your sign from July 5th through August 21st, encouraging you to take the lead and put this momentum towards confronting challenges and getting things done.
During this time, you’ll feel more comfortable expressing your needs and sharing your feelings. This may shift some relationship dynamics, but with compassion and empathy, you’ll be able to resolve any tension that arises from your honesty.
The Capricorn Full Moon on July 13th encourages you to broaden your horizons to embrace more foreign cultures. There is so much to be gained from studying the way others live, learning about faraway places, and mingling with people from different backgrounds. And the best way for you to do this in July is through your local community.
Consider taking a course at a community college to learn a new language (shown to promote listening and communication skills), trying to cook a new recipe, or reading a book set in a different country. Through these experiences, you’ll gain a more well-rounded perspective of yourself, enabling you to release habits that you cling to out of comfort and discover new ways of doing things.

Your mind is on overdrive this month, Gemini, and it’s important that you find ways to reconnect with your body to balance all the mental energy.
With Mars moving into your 12th house of the unconscious on July 5th, it might be hard to pinpoint exactly what it is that’s bothering you. You might just feel restless and agitated for seemingly no reason. This is you sensing limitations and finding the motivation to overcome them internally, which will soon make a ripple effect of change in your outer world too come mid-August.
When these feelings arise, it’s important to slow down and give yourself space to feel your way through without trying to rationalize why. By embracing the feelings and then moving through them with physical activity, you’ll get back to your center and find clarity once again. Speaking with a psychic advisor from Keen is another way you can work to confront your unhealthy beliefs and master patterns of self-sabotage.
Your focus should be on expressing yourself truthfully this month. Even if you’re not ready to do it in person, writing down your thoughts helps you to gain insight and clarity about your true feelings. Come the end of the month, you’ll feel lightened up once again.

Count your blessings this month, Cancer, for there will be an abundance of them. With the Sun, Mercury, and Venus moving through your 1st house of self, you’ll be poised for a period of good fortune. You have the ability to effortlessly magnetize all that you need into your life this month.
This might manifest as synchronistic events, such as thinking how nice it would be to have something and then suddenly someone gifting it to you. Your receptivity to small miracles opens the pathway for the Universe to shower these blessings on you.
Plus, the Capricorn Full Moon on July 13th adds even more sweetness by highlighting your 7th house of partnership. You find comfort in the stability of a long-term partner, and this is a moment to cherish what you’ve created with the person you love.
If you’re still looking for that special someone, the Full Moon is a time to envision what your perfect relationship would be like and set the intention to manifest this. This is a good time to speak with a psychic love advisor about what you can do to open your heart to true, everlasting romance.

Your time is coming, Leo, but most of this month is a period of solitude and rest for you as the Sun, Venus, and Mercury move through your 12th house of retreat. Though Mars will be motivating you to get ahead in your career between July 4th and August 21st, before you go full-steam ahead, it’s important to go inward to nourish yourself in order to prevent burnout.
Creative and spiritual pursuits, such as painting and meditating with these free apps, will help you to strengthen your trust and faith in the Universe. You are naturally optimistic, but this month it’s especially beneficial to connect with your idea of a higher power to reaffirm your belief in yourself and the good of this world.
The Capricorn Full Moon on July 13th in your 6th house of health and routine is calling for you to honor your body’s limitations and tend to its needs with care. Make sure you’re exercising, eating nutritious foods, and scheduling time for relaxation.
The Leo New Moon on July 28th will be a fresh start for you, and August will be especially busy, so do the inner work needed to set yourself up for the opportunities coming your way. You don’t want to be so tired that you miss out on your time of the year to shine.

It’s time to mingle, Virgo! With the Sun, Mercury, and Venus in your 11th house of friendships, this will be a fun month of social activities. You value having emotional connections to those in your life, so round up a group of people to do fun activities that foster unity, such as a scavenger hunt or escape room.
With Mars in your 9th house of learning through August 21st, you might also consider joining a book or film club to engage in lively discussions with others that expand your horizons. This would also be a good opportunity to take a course in cooking foreign cuisine to learn new skills.
On July 13th, the Capricorn Full Moon lights up your 5th house of romance and pleasure. This is a time to simply have fun with your love life and not take things too seriously. Whether you're coupled or single, get back to the basics of flirting and being playful in love.
Come the Leo New Moon on July 28th, you’ll be ready to spend some time reconnecting with yourself. Being alone revives your energy and gives you the chance to integrate recent events. Remember you can create your own cozy and withdraw whenever you feel it’s needed to recharge.

What do you feel is your purpose, Libra? This question might be on the forefront of your mind this month as the Sun, Mercury, and Venus move through your 10th house of social recognition. You are feeling called to share your gifts with the world, either through a career or calling.
If you’re sure of your direction, you’ll have the momentum to make meaningful strides forward. However, if you’re struggling to figure out your role within the world, this is a time to do some deep-diving into what you truly feel passionate about. Speaking with a trusted online therapy professional could be immensely helpful during this process.
With Mars moving through your 8th house of transformation, you’re feeling the push to confront your fears and alchemize them into a source of empowerment. This is not a time to brush off what’s bothering you or try to smooth things over with reassurance that things will get better. Now is your chance to explore your shadow, where the qualities you hide due to shame or fear reside.
Giving these parts of yourself room to express themselves will help you to gain clarity about who you are on a soul level. Showing a bit of vulnerability and talking about your insecurities will actually help your relationships to grow. Come the Leo New Moon on July 28th, you’ll realize the importance of having a tribe of people you can depend on. The next six months are an opportunity for you to explore these relationships and let yourself be supported.

No one is going to tread on you this month, Scorpio. With Mars, planet of action and aggression, moving through your 7th house of partnerships, you’re ready to stand up and fight at a moment’s notice. Hopefully, there’s no need to show anyone your tenacity, but it’s worth keeping in mind you might feel a bit more on edge when it comes to your patience when dealing with others.
You might find yourself filled up with obligations for friends, family, or neighbors around July 13th when the Capricorn Full Moon highlights your involvement in local activities. Others depend on your unwavering support and dedication, but if it feels like too much responsibility to handle alone, set clear boundaries about your availability.
With the Sun, Mercury, and Venus moving through your 9th house of travel and higher education, you might decide it’s best to take some time to get away and explore someplace you’ve never been before, especially if it’s near water, which is proven to have a beneficial effect on one’s mental state. This will help you to relax and give you peace of mind by distancing yourself from the hustle and bustle of your daily life.
The Leo New Moon on July 28th marks a fresh start in your professional life. Think about the legacy that you want to leave behind and set goals that ensure this legacy will be fulfilled. You have lots of momentum building up for your career in the coming month. Setting a foundation now will help you to capitalize on the opportunities that come your way.

Expect all the feelings this month, Sagittarius. The Sun, Mercury, and Venus are moving through your 8th house of soul-searching. You might experience a bit of a soul crisis this month, which forces you to focus on healing wounds in your past that are holding you back.
There is great potential for emotional renewal, if you can muster the courage to take an honest look at how you’ve been clinging to old hurts instead of facing the pain to transform it into wisdom. This process can be challenging, so consider speaking with a psychic intuitive healer from CaliforniaPsychics to help facilitate this healing process.
To keep your emotions in check, focus on the stamina Mars will be bringing to your health and fitness routine. Exercise is a great way to work through some of these tough emotions, while eating a nourishing diet will keep your energy levels high, preventing you from sinking into inactivity or listlessness. Just make sure you’re not keeping yourself so busy that you neglect to tune in to your emotional state.
By the Leo New Moon on July 28th, you will be feeling refreshed and ready for the next chapter in your life. You are naturally a happy-go-lucky person and having your optimism restored will feel like you’ve turned over a new leaf. After this revival, the slate will be fully cleared to start your next quest for knowledge, so start thinking about where you’ll travel to next or what interest you’d like to pursue further.

How sweet it is to be loved by you, Capricorn. This month you’ll feel especially called to share your affection towards others as the Sun, Mercury, and Venus move through your 7th house of partnership and Mars in your 5th house of romance. It’s best to just take things lightly and be gentle and playful in how you express yourself.
There’s so much enjoyment to be had simply by letting others know you care. This is a great time to learn more about your love language and the ways you feel best giving and receiving love. This helps you to discover how you can give yourself more self-love too, allowing you to home in on your needs and find the words to clearly explain your style to others.
The Capricorn Full Moon on July 13th is a moment of receptivity for you. Your softer side will be highlighted, giving you a chance to let your guard down and be nurtured by others for a chance. Some feel energized around the time of a full moon in their sign, while others feel a bit wiped out. However, the full moon manifests for you, make sure to listen to your body’s needs.
The Leo New Moon on July 28th is an opportunity for you to review your shared assets and debts. Make sure to do a thorough review of your bank statements, loan obligations, and retirement accounts to have a clear picture of where you currently stand and where you’d like to see change in the coming six months.

Your instincts are on point this month, Aquarius. It’s important that you listen to your gut feelings, especially around July 13th when the Capricorn Full Moon lights up your psychic 12th house. Your intuition will signal when a path forward is not right for you, if something needs your attention, or when to keep your guard up for protection. You might also be guided toward new opportunities and beneficial situations. Also, make sure to pay close attention to your dreams.
With the Sun, Mercury, and Venus in Cancer moving through your 6th house of health, you’ll be keenly aware of the link between body and mind. Consider how your emotional or mental stress affects your body this month. Any ailments that manifest might be an indication there’s something going on within that needs to be addressed. Likewise, you will notice how nurturing your body facilitates a healthy mind and spirit, in addition to bolstering your physical health.
As Mars moves through your 4th house of home and family from July 5th through August 21st, you are motivated to make your home life more secure. Does your living space make you comfortable? Do you feel safe where you live? How can you cultivate a sense of home within yourself? These are questions to consider this month as you explore your definition of home, both within yourself and in a physical location.
The Leo New Moon on July 28th will be a fresh start for your relationships. This is a good time to evaluate your relationship style and notice which relationships in your life really stand out. Focus on a few relationships that you’d really like to tend in the next six months and consider how you’d like to grow through these partnerships.

Let your inner child out to play, Pisces. When was the last time you felt pure happiness, laughing until your cheeks hurt? This month is all about fun, creativity, and seeking pleasure as the Sun, Mercury, and Venus move through your 5th house of leisure and amusement. It’s time to let loose and wholeheartedly enjoy yourself.
You’re bound to be busy as Mars moves through your 3rd house of the local community from July 5th through August 21st. You don’t need to go far to find good entertainment. There are plenty of events happening, from concerts to comedy shows, right at your doorstep. Take advantage of all the opportunities for merriment and make sure to invite your friends along to add to the excitement.
The Capricorn Full Moon on July 13th is a moment to make a wish for your heart’s desires to come true. Wishing might seem like a childish activity, but putting yourself in this frame of mind helps to reconnect with the jovial innocence of childhood, reminding you of a time when anything seemed possible. Your friendships and group involvements will also be highlighted at this time, reminding you of all the support you have as you pursue your dreams.
Come July 28th, it’s time to rein in the party a bit and tend to your body as the Leo New Moon invites you to start a new health and fitness routine. But that doesn’t mean denying yourself pleasure! Find ways to make exercise and healthy eating enjoyable, such as these top ways to stay motivated to exercise. It’s all about your mindset!

Need more information?
Learning how the planets affect your life is just one of the many tools for personal and spiritual growth. Speaking with a psychic reader can offer more insight into your unique situation.