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Top 10 Email Marketing Tips

Top10.com Staff
Top 10 Email Marketing
By creating optimized email marketing campaigns, companies can reach more customers and grow their business. In order to achieve your desired results, though, there are several tips and tricks that both new and seasoned email marketers should take into consideration.

1. Select a Suitable Email Marketing Platform

There are a number of email marketing platforms that can help a business reach its customers in an effective manner, including leading brands like Constant Contact and Vertical Response, which continually advance their offerings. Selecting the right platform for your company depends on the size of the business and its email list, as well as your level of design and marketing expertise.

To learn more, you can compare pros and cons of the best email marketing platforms with our in-depth reviews. 

2. Pick the Proper Design for Your Campaign

Emails with a professional, clean and consistent look will have increased chances of customer conversion—and you don’t need to be a design expert to achieve this.. Most major platforms, such as Constant Contact, have a number of templates to choose from and support staff to help you customize your templates for your specific needs.

3. Grow Your Email List

Increasing the number of people on your email list should be a top priority for your business, whether it be through paid campaigns, purchased leads, banners or social media presence. There are variety of marketing techniques like special offers and tools like analytics that will help you reach more customers during an email marketing campaign and increase the chances of success.

4. Choose Your Subject Line Wisely

A marketing email’s subject line is like the cover of a book.

No matter how interesting the contents inside may be to the reader, if the cover, or the subject line in our case, doesn’t catch the reader’s eye, than the hard work put into crafting the message inside will be for naught.

The subject line should spark interest and curiosity in order to not be relegated to the trash before it’s even been viewed.

Images Increase Clicks

5. Use Pictures to Connect with Consumers

An email marketing campaign that consists of a giant block of unbroken text is less likely to be read by the consumer, and less likely to lead to a click or a sale. Pictures enable email marketers to connect with the consumer in a way that text cannot.

Breaking up the text with engaging and relevant pictures has been simplified by some email marketing platforms, such as GetResponse, which have iStock integration built into their template editors.

6. Analyze and Adapt Your Campaigns

Sending out an email campaign shouldn’t be done blindly. Most email marketing platforms, such as VerticalResponse, include easy-to-understand analysis and reporting tools that can help users understand what works and what doesn’t, so that they can adapt their emails to get better results.

7. Don’t Spam Your Consumers

Email marketing campaigns can have such a large impact on the bottom line of a business that it might be tempting to continually increase the number of messages sent to the consumer’s inbox.

Businesses must gauge the tolerance level of their customers as not to pass the line into becoming spam. There is a happy medium between getting the most out of a well cultivated mailing list and turning consumers away with excessive campaigns.

Automated Response

8. Use Automations to Connect with Consumers

Automations, which are offered by many of the best email marketing platforms, can help businesses respond automatically to common actions by email lists recipients.

Examples range from an automatic welcome email when someone signs up to a list, to a birthday greeting offering consumers a special offer just for them, or an automatic email reply if a consumer clicks on a targeted link.

9. Don’t Neglect Mobile Users

Email marketing in the modern age allows users to reach their consumers directly on their mobile devices while they’re out and on the go. Consumer reading habits and internet activity differ from desktop to mobile, and businesses must craft their message with this in mind.

Luckily, many email marketing platforms have taken into account the mass move to mobile and have made their templates mobile responsive.

10. Divide Your Clientele into Segments

In some cases it is prudent for a business to pick and choose which members of its list receive a particular email campaign. Some email marketing platforms, such as Benchmark Email, allow users to segment their list through their CRM system.

Such tools allow anyone to run sophisticated email marketing campaigns that can help them gain a competitive edge.


To reach customers in the most effective manner, business owners must take advantage of the wide range of features and customization options offered by the top services. Coupled with these tips, it’s easier than ever to personalize your email marketing campaigns for more effective results and a better return on investment. See better results, reach more potential customers around the world, and make a memorable impression.

Top10.com Staff
Top10.com's editorial staff is a professional team of editors and writers with dozens of years of experience covering consumer, financial and business products and services.