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10 Lovely Solo Date Ideas to Enjoy Your Alone Time

Head and shoulders photograph of Suzannah Weiss
A woman standing on a road in a forest with her arms spread out wide  happily
If you've been single for a long time, it might be frustrating to find yourself spending yet another Friday night alone. But the grass isn't always greener on the other side, and you might actually miss your single days once you're finally in a relationship.

Before you can find love and be the best partner you can be, it's important to get to know yourself, love who you are, and be happy spending time alone. One way to get to this point is to plan dates with yourself. That way, you won't settle for someone who isn't right for you. And when the right person comes along, you'll have the confidence to be who you are and ask for what you need in that relationship. Plus, you'll have some great date ideas in your back pocket!

There are many benefits to spending time alone, and there's a lot to be said for answering to no one and spending a Friday evening doing whatever you want to do. You may even meet someone else during your solo date night, though that shouldn't be a goal or expectation. If you're looking to meet someone, check out Zoosk or Elite Singles. For now, be glad that you don't have to compromise or worry about fulfilling anyone else's needs and that you can go wherever the wind takes you.

On that note, here are some solo date ideas to make spending time by yourself more enjoyable.

1. Take a Long Walk

Many of us live in some of the best dating cities but don't explore these unless we have someone to do it with. Wandering around town on a lovely evening by yourself is one of the most freeing, adventurous experiences you can have.

If you live within walking distance from a bustling area, go on a walk with no agenda except perhaps to stop to eat at some point. If you need to drive somewhere more exciting, pick an area you haven't explored before and wander into the shops. You may discover new places you can go back to for years to come.

2. Go to the Movies

It may be cliché, but movies are just as fun without anyone sitting next to you—maybe even more fun. You'll get to focus on the movie the whole time, enjoy your popcorn without sharing, and won't need to compromise on what movie to see. Sure, you could stay home and watch Netflix, but there's nothing like watching a new feature film on the big screen.

3. Stroll Through the Park

Parks are the perfect picturesque places for aimless wandering, people-watching, reading, jogging, and reflection. If you're creative, bring a journal or art supplies and get inspired by what you see around you. You could also pack a picnic lunch and enjoy it while looking at the greenery. Bring a yoga mat, a book, or whatever else will help keep you busy, and don't be afraid just to lay back and relax. Plus, nature has a significant positive impact on your mental health.

4. Check Out a Karaoke Bar

Karaoke can be fun, regardless of whether you have anyone to talk to. If you're intimidated by the idea of performing in front of a crowd, remember the advantage of going by yourself: You're in a room full of strangers you will probably never see again. Plus, making a fool of yourself is practically the whole point.

5. Take a Class

Take the opportunity to learn a new skill, like baking or painting, in a class setting. This way, you'll be with a group of people who may have similar interests. You'll also have an original creation to take home to remind you of the fun times you had by yourself.

6. Go to a Carnival, Fair, or Amusement Park

Bring out your inner child by going on rides, playing games, and eating funnel cake. Take a trip to a local amusement park or search for smaller carnivals or fairs in your area. You also may be able to find fall festivals around October—file those under Halloween date ideas!

7. Go to a Farmers’ Market

Kill two birds with one stone by having a fun afternoon while also taking care of your grocery shopping. Stroll around the farmers' market, try out samples, and pick out some nice foods for your next few meals. You'll also support your local economy by shopping this way.

8. Go to a Bookstore or Library

You can easily spend an entire day rummaging through books at no cost as you wander through an independent bookstore or library. Check out the bestsellers, head to your favorite section, and flip to random pages of books you'd like to read. Some bookstores also have cafes, so you can sit and get a coffee or sandwich while engrossed in a novel.

9. Attend a Concert or Music Festival

The great thing about going to a concert or music festival by yourself is that the event really becomes all about the music. You can focus on the artist and how their music sounds live—and dance, if you'd like!

Music events are also a great way to meet people. In fact, one of the lesser-known uses for dating apps is to link up with fellow event-goers. Take advantage of Tinder's festival mode to meet people going to the same concert or festival as you.

10. Plan a Night In

You don't need to do anything fancy, tiring, or expensive to enjoy a wonderful solo date. You can simply lie in the bathtub, have a glass of wine, and watch your favorite movie—or whatever you want. You're the only one you have to please, after all!

Having a Great Solo Date

If you're used to going out with other people, going on a solo date might feel uncomfortable at first. This is good; it means you're stretching your comfort zone and growing. If you start feeling embarrassed to be alone, remind yourself that this doesn't make you a loner. It makes you someone who's independent and wants to improve themselves.

If you're afraid you'll feel awkward sitting at a bar or restaurant by yourself, you can bring a book or scroll through social media on your phone to have something to occupy your time. Remember, it doesn't matter what people around you think. What matters most is how you feel about yourself.

Head and shoulders photograph of Suzannah Weiss
Suzannah Weiss is a feminist writer, certified sex educator, and Brown University graduate in Cognitive Neuroscience and Gender and Sexuality Studies. In addition to writing for Top10.com, Suzannah written for major publications such as The New York Times, The Washington Post, Glamour, and Cosmopolitan. Weiss' writing about feminist issues and sexuality has also been discussed on The Today Show, The View, and C-SPAN.