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All About the Cloud: Phone Systems That Save

Top10.com Staff
All About the Cloud
If you’ve recently heard about a cloud calling or VoIP cloud and are wondering what these terms mean, you’re not alone.

Many people are curious about the new options for Internet telephone service and whether they will be better or more affordable than regular telephone services.

What is a VoIP cloud?

A cloud-based phone system, also known as an Internet phone system, is one of the newest options for phone service. VoIP is short for “voice over Internet protocol.” VoIP services involve using both software and hardware as a medium for Internet calls. This allows users to make free or low-cost phone calls to anyone on the planet, no matter where that person is or what technology they are using to receive the call.

A VoIP system also usually offers a variety of free services, such as:

  • Voicemail.

  • Call forwarding.

  • Managing messages.

How Does a Cloud Phone System Work?

Prior to VoIP technology, phone calls were made using the public switched telephone network (PSTN), which was composed of copper wires. With a cloud system, all data is stored on a secure server, also known as a “cloud,” that can be reached via the Internet. When you speak during a cloud call, your voice is transformed into digital information and sent across the Internet, just like an email, a chat or any other form of data.

What are the Benefits of Choosing a Cloud Based Phone System?

Whether you’re a business owner looking for a new phone system for your company or a homeowner thinking about how to save money on your phone bill, there are a number of reasons you should consider making the switch to VoIP.

1. You’ll Save Money

Making calls using the Internet is much more affordable than using traditional land lines, which range from $15 a month for basic services and up to $50 a month for a long-distance package.

2. Setup is Simple

You’ll save time when getting your new VoIP system set up. No new wiring is required, and once it’s in operation, the system is very low maintenance.

3. Choose Cell Phones or Traditional Phones

You’ll have options when it comes to using your VoIP services. You can use them at your desk with an old-fashioned phone, or you can connect them to your cell phone to make inexpensive calls while you’re on the go.

4. Special Features

Business owners can choose an 800 number as their cloud phone number, making it easy for customers to contact them at no expense. You can also set up advanced options, such as multiple extensions, call forwarding and voicemail management.

Should Your Business Make the Switch to Cloud Calling?

If you run a company, getting a cloud telephone number can be very beneficial. The many options for phone management make it easy to set up a system that works for you, your employees and your customers. For example, if you own a chain business with more than one location, a cloud phone system will make it easy to connect all of your employees and locations using one phone system.

The world we live in has become very technologically advanced, and cloud based phone systems are yet another exciting hint of what's to come in the future. As we develop and perfect these systems, communication will continue to improve.

Top10.com Staff
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