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Top 10 Signs from the Universe You Shouldn't Ignore

Head and shoulders photograph of Rozalia Kieliszkiewicz
Woman meditating on floor to find signs from the universe
Learn how to interpret the signs from the Universe and navigate the shifts that come with them.

The Plutonian changes impacting the Universe can feel like undergoing a shakeup from a perception of your subconscious, which affects the ground you stand on. The energetic changes I experienced required temperance and patience, as the Universe surprised me with compelling signs to bring attention to my awareness.

Allow me to share them with you.

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1. A Shift in the Energy in the Atmosphere

When there is a shift in energy, you can feel the changes in your rhythm and regular patterns of behavior.

I experienced this unexplainable compelling sign from the Universe when it manifested as a feeling letting me know a new design was forming in the collective. This let me know it was time to prepare for a significant shock, change, or event. My old habits, behaviors, and routines were shifting by a magical force out of my control as my ego began to fight for its life.

2. A Flow of Events Washing Over Your Life

A compelling sign of awareness in the flow of tides in the events we can and cannot see awakens our senses.

I could feel the hidden realms flowing with natural events like a wave gathering and gaining momentum. One event after the other, I could feel the build-up in my consciousness just before it released its energetic pressure, cleansing and purifying what it was to be.

3. Life Slowing Down

I felt things slow down, and the Universe signified a quiet presence. Intuitively, I knew this was a sign that it was time to retreat and hibernate in what I had.

I rested and retreated. Because when things slowed down, I knew I was being prepared for them to speed up at any moment.

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4. Feelings of Emptiness and Darkness

As the light dimmed, I sat in complete darkness. A void of emptiness showed no sign of life, desire, or need.

Yet, as painful as it was, this transparent sign from the Universe indicated a new seed of growth alchemizing from my subconscious. This integration illuminated a significant shift in my development—a new path toward my purpose.

5. A Sense of Discomfort and Uneasiness

Nothing is as it seems. During times of uncertainty, I noticed myself paying attention to what was not being said.

I knew this was a sign from the Universe that I was catching a lie, deception, confusion, or flat-out projected fear surrounding me. My higher self pushed me to retreat, stay quiet, and listen to the vibrating noise beneath my feet. I knew my soul would lead me to the truth.

Woman with eyes closed searching for a sign from the universe

6. Experiencing Unexplainable Emotions

A tyrant current pulls you away from stable grounds, and you feel yourself losing control, trying to keep your head above water.

I experienced unexplained emotions, mood swings, sadness, crying, anger, and frustration. I knew this phenomenon was a compelling sign from the Universe that my soul was sensing collective undoing.

7. An Ego Fearing Death

Near-death experiences, unexplained phobias, and constant Google searches on your physical symptoms could be a sign from the Universe that your ego fears death.

As I was facing a change out of my control, my perception shifted and transformed. I felt like a part of myself was dying. I could feel the muscles in my brain move as my mind was undoing old ideas. Yet, deep within my soul, beyond the fears perceived by these physical symptoms, I knew I was coming closer to my true soul's calling.

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8. Feeling a Renewed Sense of Hope

As the Universe forces you to face the truth, it becomes clear that innovation and a strong sense of belief will manifest soon.

I felt a renewed sense of hope, and I understood that this was a sign that I just overcame a psychic battle and my light was outshining any necromantic darkness. Inspired to share the changes head-on, I felt empowered to embrace my new understanding of reality.

9. A Challenged Perception of Reality

I experienced a spiritual awakening that challenged my perception of reality. I was floating above my ego's perception and felt lifted by the Divine. My spirit guides told me this was a clear sign from the Universe that opened my awareness and prepared me for an evolutionist experience of my deepest self.

» Learn about tarot card symbols and their meanings to prepare for universal changes.

Smiling woman embracing a sign from the universe

10. Receiving Peace and Healing

Universal changes can create growing pains in your body, mind, and soul on a profound level. After undergoing a battle that exhausted my nervous system and taxed my fight-or-flight responses, I prayed to the Divine for peace.

Blessed and protected, I knew that receiving the green light to focus on recovery was a sign from the Universe that I had begun to integrate my new reality. I was moving forward, accepting in love with what was about to transpire in faith.

Are You Reading the Signs from the Universe?

Our connection to the Universe and ability to recognize subtle shifts in energy can prepare us to understand ourselves and the rest of the world. Our egos love patterns and find comfort in their habit, although we must sometimes adapt to the subtle changes in the wind and let go of our expectations.

It can be painful to separate from a part of your Ego that developed with time, devotion, and commitment. Speak to a psychic at California Psychics or Psychic Source to help maneuver through the growing changes.

Head and shoulders photograph of Rozalia Kieliszkiewicz
Rozalia is a Holistic Health and Spiritual Writer who writes for Top10.com. In addition, she is a professional Spiritual advisor trained in Tarot Divination, Astrology, Reiki Healing, and Dream Analysis. Her background as a Nutritionist and Fitness Trainer allows her to look at the whole Body, Mind and Spiritual Connection.