People love to take psychological advice about compatibility as it helps them narrow the dating field, and advice backed by science can help us do this. Myers-Briggs personality types have a long, well-researched history and are very accessible. Looking at compatibility based on this test can make dating feel more predictable. Luckily, we've done all the legwork and listed the 10 most compatible personality type pairings according to Myers-Briggs.
1. INTP and ESTJ
INTPs (Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, Perceiving) are analytical observers who are energized by their alone time and drawn to the offbeat. They may often seem to be lost in thought. ESTJs (Extraverted, Sensing, Thinking, Judging) are assertive people who take charge and like to make sure that things run smoothly. They tend to hold strong beliefs and are partial to traditions and agreements.
INTPs and ESTJs work well together because they are both analytical. ESTJs can provide the assertiveness needed to support INTPs. They help bring their INTP partner's ideas out of their mind and into the real world.
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2. INFP and ENFJ
INFPs (Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Perceiving) are often called mediators. They are highly creative, reserved, focused on the big picture, and emphasize their feelings when making sense of the world. ENFJs (Extraverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Judging) are often called givers. They gain their energy from interacting with others and are loyal and empathic. They often have extremely strong people skills and feel strongly about fairness.
ENFJs can support INFPs socially, and INFPs can help ground ENFJs by helping them to balance input from the rest of the world.

3. INFJ and ENFP
INFJs (Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Judging) are known as the rarest Myers-Briggs type. They are often seen as idealists who are perfectionistic but easy-going. They balance logic and emotion when making sense of the world. ENFPs (Extraverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Perceiving) are described as charismatic, charming, creative, and independent. They enjoy innovating and are happiest when given the space to create.
INFJs and ENFPs are intuitive and process the world through their feelings. ENFPs are independent, giving INFJs the personal space they need. ENFPs are also able to support INFJs socially.
4. INFJ and ENTP
ENTPs (Extraverted, Intuitive, Thinking, Perceiving) are often called debaters. They are known for being open-minded and can be quite theoretical. They have a flighty attention span, which makes it difficult for them to focus on the present situation.
INFJs and ENTPs are idealists and enjoy the world of ideas, theories, and the mind. INFJs can help ENTPs relax, and ENTPs can communicate ideas on behalf of INFJs who find it more difficult to interact with others.
5. ISFP and ENFJ
ISFPs (Introverted, Sensing, Feeling, Perceiving) need time alone to recharge, love, and forge deep connections with their close circle. They make sense of the world with their feelings and powers of observation.
ISFPs connect well with ENFJs because they process the world through their feelings and value deep connection, loyalty, and emotional giving. ENFJs provide some welcome structure for ISFPs to make sense of complex interactions.
6. ISFP and ESTJ
ISFPs and ESTJs enjoy each other because ESTJs will take charge and help make sure things run smoothly, leaving ISFPs to focus on connections and feelings. They both value deep connection and celebrate their differences as they believe this enriches their relationship.

7. ISFP and ESFJ
ESFJs (Extraverted, Sensing, Feeling, Judging) love entertaining others and are outgoing, spontaneous, gregarious, and resourceful.
ISFPs and ESFJs pair well because they process the world through their senses and feelings. They understand each other easily even though they interact with the world in different ways.
8. ISTJ and ESFP
ISTJs (Introverted, Sensing, Thinking, Judging) are often reserved and value tradition and loyalty. They can also be quite blunt when they speak (which is rare). ESFPs (Extraverted, Sensing, Feeling, Perceiving) are performers who like hands-on learning, live in the now, and enjoy novel experiences.
These two tend to balance each other out. ESFPs bring spontaneity and novelty to ISTJs, and ISTJs reciprocate by bringing tradition and practicality.
9. ISFJ and ENTP
ISFJs (Introverted, Sensing, Feeling, Judging) are known for being reserved but emotionally warm. ISFJs and ENTPs may be opposites, but this is a case where opposites attract.
ISFJs can find it difficult to manage social situations, so ENTP partners are a godsend. ENTPs rely on their ISFJs partners to keep them grounded.
10. ISTP and ESTJ
ISTPs (Introverted, Sensing, Thinking, Perceiving) like to know how things work. They prefer practical activities that require logical thought over abstract thinking.
ISTPs and ESTJs are a good match, with ISTPs figuring out the finer details and ESTJs implementing the plan.

Use Myers-Briggs to Find Your Perfect Match
Using Myers-Briggs as a guide to compatibility is a great way to explore more facets of a potential partnership and find someone who completes you and complements your unique personality.
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