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Last Updated: Apr 2024

The Top 10 Best Air Purifiers of 2024
Make your home a healthier place

It's critical the air we breathe is clean, and an air purifier can guarantee just that. Compare our top picks for the best ones below.

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Frequently Asked Questions
Are air purifiers really worth it?+-

The answer to this question depends on your personal health situation and the environment in your home. Buy an air purifier if there is a nearby environmental factor, or if you have allergies or some other respiratory issue due to particles in your home. Purchasing an air purifier without an explicit need for one is not a worthwhile investment.

What are the disadvantages of air purifiers?+-

An air purifier must be actively maintained in order to be effective. Failure to replace filters on a timely basis can create a health hazard. Additionally, UV-based air purifiers can be actively dangerous, because they produce ozone, a gas that is harmful when taken into the lungs.

Where is the best place to put an air purifier?+-

Place an air purifier next to a door, window, or hallway. These areas are natural places where air flows in and out of the room you are looking to purify. Since the purifier is located there, it becomes easier for it to do its job, essentially acting as a “gatekeeper” for air entering the room.

We find the 10 best options, so you can make informed decisions on tons of products and services.

How we created this
Compiled from “Best of” lists published by the world’s most trusted sources, and with our own recommended brands peppered in - this Top10 list aims to help consumers make smarter decisions.